What is JTourney?
Getting started
How it works? Technologies used Software used
How to Contribute?
Developer Information
Other information
| Necessary
Well of course it is a Java project.
But beside an arbitrary
JDK 1.2 or later (JDK 1.1 probably works when you have the plugin
Collection Classes) following things are (more or less)
necessary for JTourney:
- Apache Ant 1.6+
Is used as the prefered build tool for JTourney.
- Trove
High performance, low memory collection classes.
- JDXslt
Johannes Döblers XSLT processor is even slightly better than
Saxon 6.5.x it is currently (v1.0) necessary to print table
score sheets until I have figured how Xalan can create mulitple
output files during a single transformation. Long live XSLT1.1WD :-)
- XStream
This is a cool way for POJO to HTML: Use XStream and XSLT and there
you are.
Helpful or special features
This software can be added to enhance JTourney but isn't very
- Saxon
Is used as my favourite XSLT engine, the one built in in JDK1.4
works also, but is slow and memory consuming.
Saxon 6.5.x is definately necessary to build this documentation.
- Spieleck Zip Task
A Ant-Zip-Task which allows to ad a directory prefix to all files
compressed. Making a nicer Zip-file layout without the need to
copy huge numbers of files back and forth.
All these techologies are optional in some sense: XSLT is builtin in
JDK1.4 and if you don't use XSLTReport you don't need it anyway. An
SAXParser is builtin in JDK1.4 and there are various available (most
should autoplug into JTourney). Trove is only required for the
Accounting-Classes, but this really relies on it. Jakarta-ORO is
used, as soon as you use any of the RegExp-Filters or -Evaluator.
Ant is the prefered (but not the only), way to build JTourney.