What is JTourney?
Getting started Download instructions Set up JTourney Configure a tournament Run a tournament Simulate a tournament Runtime file layout
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Here is a quick summary of the file layout created by a
heavy duty turn.jar
In your initial installation directory find:
- file: turn.jar: The program itself.
- file: log.log: Verbose execution log information.
- dir: lib: Additional runtime libraries required.
- .. details skipped: crimson, jdxslt, log4j, trove, xstream
- dir: t1-060315-london: Your first tournament.
- file: players: Participants of that tournament.
- file: rendering: Render method
- file: scoring: Scoring method
- file: splitting: Splitting method
- dir: out: All the nice HTML information
- file: index.html: Overview page
- .. everything else accessible from here.
- file: round1: Seatings and results of Round 1
- file: round2: Seatings and results of Round 2
- file: round3: Seatings and results of Round 3
- file: round4: Seatings and results of Round 4
- .. and maybe more round files
- dir: t2-060316-berlin: Your second tournament.
- .. details skipped, as above.
- dir: t3-060317-tokyo: Your second tournament.
- .. details skipped, as above.
- .. and so on.