
Package de.spieleck.app.turn

Interface Summary
Game A Game represents a single game or table or seating, that is the atomic unit of Splitting the Tournament Scheduling.
LineSourceInited Interface marking classes which are initialized by reading a {link LineSource}.
PairingMode A pairing mode reflects a way to distribute participants ({link Player}s) to games or table.
PlayerGameScore The PlayerGameScore represents the score a Player achieves during a single game or table.
PlayerRegistry A registry to hold Player objects and their metainformation.
PlayerScore A PlayerScore corresponds to the accumulated score of a Player during a tournament.
RenderMode A RenderMode cares about how to forward tournament information to whatever output channel.
ScoringMode Represents a way how games and players are scored.
SplittingMode Implementations of this are responsible for dividing the number of players into boards or tables.
Version Dummy Interface to make verious version information available to runtime.

Class Summary
FileProxy Handle strange editable fileformats.
GameResult A GameResult is a Game attached with a PlayerGameScore for every Player.
LineSource Quick hack to make reading lines of file a bit like iterating.
Player This class could have named "Participant" for higher abstraction, it contains information about name and scoring.
Run Simple facade driver for the tournament system.
Simulator The Simulator is a tool to create artifical game results.
Util Well, have you ever seen a Java project without a util package or Util class?
